Saturday, November 21, 2009


Moving can be a tremendous hassle when you're trying to juggle schedules during Thanksgiving week.
I'm ushering basketball games Tuesday night, Friday night and Sunday afternoon.
That's a piece of cake.
But having to reconfigure a campsite because of someone else's malfeasance becomes a very depressing scenario.
Yes, I'm a happy camper with my campmates.
No, I'm not a happy camper with the Fayetteville police who have falsely accused us of something we have no clue about.
Whenever a minister castigates you at a church meal that proves to be a very embarrassing situation.
A lady used her cell phone and called 911 over someone slapping her.
Then, the police awaken us at 1:30 a.m. and harrass us for something we didn't do.
We are told we are trespassing on private property and don't have permission to be there.
Then, we are given an eviction notice.
Then, we are told by an e-mail that the land owner doesn't have qualms about us being on their property.
Then, we are told to vacate again.
When will the nightmare end?
What did innocent people do to deserve this type of eviction?
I'm flabbergasted and aghast at the way I'm being treated.
I'm supposed to have the holiday spirit of thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for friends who care and share.
But I'm not thankful for the police's attitude towards the homeless who have enough problems as it is just trying to survive.
Just when I think I've turned the corner with a job, the police intervene in my life again at the most inopportune time.
I'm innocent until proven guilty.
Guilty until you move away.
Get out of your homelessness and don't come back again.
Bah, humbug!!

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