Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I experienced an epiphany yesterday.
My Christ(mas) wish for everyone: Compassion in our Hearts for Jesus.
Reason and Intellect from God.
Soul and Truth from the Holy Spirit.
We all can be born in Christ every day and that's not just a one day celebration of his birth but an every day reawakening to his love and spirit in our lives.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
Or, as Willie Nelson quipped, "Jesus didn't celebrate Santa Claus' birthday."
Too many Americans get too swept up in the me, me, me greed syndrome and forget the true significance of Christmas.
It's a pagan holiday to too many.
So, as we reflect on what we have to be thankful for, we should all be thankful we met each other and helped each other survive a very bizarre year filled with downsizing and job losses and a very poor economy.
I'm thankful for the friends who helped me out and the loving spirit of Christ embodied in their spiritual compassion for me and my plight.
Every morning when I awaken, no matter whether the temperature is 9 degrees or 59 degrees, I praise God for my Coleman sleeping bag which leaves me comfy. I have a warm hearted feeling for those who helped me out.
I enjoy my privacy now and hope the blue light special doesn't deter me from sleeping and keeping a peaceful attitude toward my fellow man.
As Tiny Tim said, "God Bless You all!"

1 comment:

  1. Great to know you are doing OK, David. I think about you all the time and send you good vibes.
