Thursday, June 24, 2010


When you're down and confused and just don't know where to turn, sometimes it helps to swallow your pride and seek help from someone else on your team.
Yes, I may have a college degree and think I know it all.
But I'm a neophyte bookkeeper who doesn't have a great deal of knowledge in all of the finer points of balancing my books.
So I turned to the expert of all experts and she helped me.
I was blessed today to see her on the elevator at our corporate headquarters.
I thanked her for her support in the past and put in a good word for her with my boss.
She reiterated that my boss was a good man to work for.
So when I got back to my little cubby hole of an office I just relied on her skills and she pulled me out of a mini-jam.
She's an auditor with a conscience and a heart.
I praise the lords of teamwork.

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