Tuesday, October 20, 2009


"Very few people know who I am, and I am not one of them." -- Salvador Dali
Indeed we all are constantly searching for our identity.
And everyone looks at each other diagnosing what we really feel about each other.
Once I was a renowned sports writer and sports editor who thought the whole world revolved about wins and losses and how you play the game.
Later I played the persona of Santa Claus at Wal-Mart Christmas shop.
One of my most treasured moments occurred when a cute little girl asked me, "Santa, what are you doing here?"
I quickly quipped, "I have to make money to buy all of the presents for all of the children around the world. What do you want for Christmas, sweetie?"
Just as rapidly she remarked, "No, you don't. You can just use magic!"
Then I meekly retorted, "Well, I have to buy gifts for Mrs. Claus."
Art Linkletter once hosted a television show entitled, "Kids Say the Darndest Things."
Yes, kids believe in the magic of giving.
Even Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say I am?"
We all wear different personas in different milieu. When we go to worship God on Sundays we're all in the Christian spirit of joyous celebration and repentance.
But what do we do the rest of the week?
For those of us campers we just try to survive the vicissitudes of life.
We battle the elements and the critters and just seek a peaceful night's sleep, hopefully snuggly wrapped up in our sleeping bags.
What a wonderful world God created for us!
As I peer down the hilltop I'm amazed at the beauty of God's natural gifts to us.
I hope someday I'll really know who I am and why I'm currently homeless.
Right now I believe God is using me and my writing talents to provide awareness of the homeless people who are no different than anyone else. We're just a little less fortunate.
But we breath the same air and feel the same way as everyone else, no matter their status in life.
We were all created equally. It just seems that some are a little more equal than others.
So who am I?
I am not one who really knows for sure.
But I strive to treat everyone with generosity and kindness.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
And we'll all have a merry Christmas.

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