Friday, November 6, 2009


For the first time in I don't know when I took four showers this week.
I was readying myself for football and basketball games.
Ironically, I went to Dollar General Tuesday night to buy a pair of white underwear for a friend who vowed he was going to court and then to jail.
Instead I purchased two bars of Irish Green soap for $1
I made the right decision because my friend copped out (pun intended) and earned an FTA.
Now he's on the lam.
He told someone he was mad at me for bolting from our camp just because the police woke us up at 1:30 a.m. and threatened us and harassed us.
I'm sorry but I've been falsely arrested twice and spent 107 days in jail for something I didn't do.
Then I got arrested for criminal trespassing while sleeping in a friend's apartment.
Yes, I am paranoid about the police and their unjust treatment of homeless.
It's been a busy week with ushering and showering and trying to find a place to sleep every night.
Who said being homeless was a humdrum boring existence?
I've also been communicating with friends from the past on Facebook.
I've attained paperwork for public housing.
So, if all goes well I'm going to start saving money and hopefully be able to afford my own space again.
I'm tired of sleeping in a tent and I'm tired of dealing with the inhospitable Fayetteville blue boys.
Just because one finally has a job and an income doesn't mean he lives on easy street.
One friend told me, "Boy, David, you're going to be rich!"
Bah, humbug!

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