Tuesday, March 23, 2010

home work

An old adage doesn't apply to this apartment manager.
They always say, "Don't take your work home with you."
I say, "My home is my work."
Indeed I'm finally enjoying the comforts of home and work at the same locale.
Life couldn't be grander than to finally have a luxurious bed to doze.
No one knows how uncomfortable one might be enduring the nightmarish scenario of a skunk poking its beady little eyes into one's tent at 5 a.m.
Now I'm peacefully snoozing and there's a comfort zone which provides joy and peace of mind. I take a shower every morning and put on clean clothes every day.
I no longer have to worry about the disdainful fear of police invading my premises and waking me up at 1:30 a.m. telling me I'm on private property and have no right to be there.
I don't have very far to traverse to work.
In fact, my kitchen adjoins my workspace, so I can cook or make sandwiches on my lunch break. I won't be eating out as much as I used to either.
Indeed, God has blessed me so much I wish I could understand why.
Just like I used to wonder why I was homeless.
Maybe because of my intestinal fortitude and positive attitude my fortunes changed.
Actually, it's all due to friends who came to my emotional rescue and introduced me to my employers who are also going out of their way to make me feel comfortable.
So, what do I do in exchange?
This morning I went to McDonald's and saw a homeless man lugging plastic bags full of his stuff.
I bought him a sausage biscuit and tried to do so nonchalantly.
What goes around comes around.
I remember when I had people buy me food at McDonald's when I was forlorn and bedraggled.
None of us can end homelessness, but we can make someone's life more tolerable just by doing them a kind favor.
Just to be treated nicely and not being treated like the scum of the earth makes all the difference in the world.
It's better to give than receive. Especially when you've been receiving and not being able to give like you wanted to.
Hopefully my generosity will make an impact much like friends made me feel good about myself again.
The memories of my pauper past make me appreciate my newfound success and the comforts of home so much more.
Many take for granted sleeping in a comfortable bed.
Now I praise the Lord for making me a landlord.

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