Sunday, April 4, 2010


What would Jesus do?
Do we all make our decisions based on the supposition what would Jesus do?
I make my decisions based on my analysis of all the analytical factors.
A year ago I was homeless.
Now I have a secure place to live.
I have a TV.
I have a coffee maker.
I have a computer.
I have a bed to sleep in.
I have a bank account.
I have lots of friends.
Am I happy?
Not yet.
Because I have to hang up late notices on rent due.
I want to help the homeless.
I don't want my tenants to be homeless.
I can't pay their late fees.
I don't understand why I'm not happy.
Material possessions are phoeey.
Sam Walton was one of my heroes.
He used to prophesize Buy America.
He used to invest his company in American made products.
He even invested in Arkansas companies.
But now everything is made in China.
Do we buy American made cars or Toyotas?
Let's just take a deep breath and remember what would Sam Walton do now.
Would he be happy that most of Wal-Mart's products are made in China?
The bottom line is that we can't be Jesus or Sam Walton.
We are who we are.
You can make a difference in someone else's life.
Just be yourself.
Don't pretend that Jesus is going to come back and save the world. Yes, he will. But we all can help our fellow man.
Try and help someone to see the right path.
I went to church with a tenant and God called me to change my life.
By a profession of faith.
Next Sunday I'm probably going to be baptized.
Pray for me!!
God Bless!!
Happy Easter!!

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